Thursday Pics

Red Devil Crab

Micro Crab

New crustacean pets. The top crab is a Red Devil crab, which is a terrestrial rainforest crab. They can live in water for a bit, but will eventually drown. They really prefer to be on damp, humid land so I’m creating a vivarium for them.

The second is a Thai micro crab. This is a true aquatic crab who’s body maxes out at about the size of a pencil eraser. They’re living in the aquarium I have at work right now with a bunch of cherry shrimp. I rarely see them as they are well camouflaged and are quite small.

Temporary delay of service

So I do intend to continue the booze project, but I’ve managed to develop something akin to tendonitis in one of my hands and it makes typing painful. And since my paying job necessitates typing, I’m saving it up for work instead of blogging. Which sucks because I’ve got stuff I want to blog about but healing is more important. Will hopefully be back soon.